About Me
I am currently completing my PhD at Moray House School of Education and Sport at The University of Edinburgh. Prior to this, I completed my MSc Education here and gained a distinction in all modules.
My research is motivated by my previous experience as a Learning Director and Head of Mathematics in a comprehensive secondary school in North Wales. I loved this job and have always believed that to teach is an absolute privilege.
But I also believe that teachers can be better supported than they currently are, and so my research is designed to try and address this.
The question of what makes a good teacher has always interested me; from reflecting on the teachers who were so inspirational in my own schooling, to the movies that I have loved for their depictions of wonderful teachers.
Being a teacher myself only fuelled this interest and I take great pleasure in having had the opportunity to study this topic for the past few years.
Beyond this, I am also interested in how teachers can be best supported to develop as good teachers. This stems from reflections on my own teaching journey, as well as my experience of developing new teachers in my Head of Department role.
It might seem like everybody has an opinion on what a good teacher is, on what it means for you to do your jobs well - from politicians to parents, from the media to your own Headteacher.
My aim is to contribute to this conversation by providing a platform for your voices to be heard. To document what you, the teachers of Scotland and Wales, think makes a good teacher and what you need to be supported to be the teachers you want to be.
Why this project?
Moray House School of Education & Sport, The University of Edinburgh
September 2020 - August 2021
The University of Chester
August 2014 - July 2015
Newnham College, The University of Cambridge
October 2008 - July 2011
Professional Experience
Institute of Academic Development, The University of Edinburgh
Feb 2022 - Sept 2023
Climate Change and Maths Education
Moray House School of Education & Sport, The University of Edinburgh
May - July 2022
Elfed High School, Buckley
Learning Director Mathematics & Numeracy
September 2019 - August 2020
Head of Mathematics
September 2018 - August 2019
Head of KS3 Numeracy
March 2017 - August 2018
Teacher of Mathematics
September 2015 - February 2017
The University of Cambridge
July 2011 - August 2012